小牛自然資源同意獲取某些二疊紀盆地生產的特性conocophillips在中央盆地平台和二疊紀西北架子上生產了超過11,000 boe/d(50%的石油)2021年9月。占地144,500英畝的位置跨越了德克薩斯州的安德魯斯和埃克特縣,新墨西哥州的埃迪和利亞縣,在很大程度上由生產經營和持有。
The acquisition has been approved by Maverick’s board of directors and majority equity owner, EIG Global Energy Partners, and will be funded by a fully committed $500 million reserve-based loan provided by JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA, Royal Bank of Canada, Citizens Bank, NA, KeyBank National Association, and KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc.
該收購的備考,Maverick的產量在2021年9月超過78,000 BOE/D。